Why be concerned about Genetic Engineering? It has been shown that genetic engineering has negative effects on human health, as well as the environment. A truly unnatural practice, genetically modified organisms are unlabeled, virtually untested, and appear on grocery shelves and in other products everywhere. The thing is, you may not know that you are consuming GMOs, but it is likely that you eat them, or come in contact with them, everyday.
At Mile High Organics, we believe in food purity, and do not support GMOs. When you become a Mile High Organics member, you can rest assured that you will not find GMOs in any of our organic produce or natural grocery items!
Here are the top 5 reasons why we say NO to GMOs:
1. According to the USDA, in 2009, 93% of soy, 93% of cotton, and 86% of corn grown in the U.S. were GMO. It is estimated that over 90% of canola grown is GMO, and there are also commercially produced GM varieties of sugar beets, squash and Hawaiian Papaya. As a result, it is estimated that GMOs are now present in more than 80% of packaged products in the average U.S. grocery store.*Source: The Non-GMO Project http://www.nongmoproject.org/industry/about-gmos/
2. GM crops are a major reason for the massive expansion of pesticide use in recent years. The majority of GE crops are "Roundup Ready," designed to survive heavy and repeated spraying with Monsanto's Roundup weed killer. Roundup Ready crops have dramatically increased Roundup use, and spawned a growing epidemic of Roundup-resistant weeds, which now infest millions of acres of American cropland. Killing resistant weeds requires more herbicides…..and the cycle continues… *Source: The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-kimbrell/new-report-gmos-causing-m_b_362888.html
3. Animal Health – GMOs have been shown to have a negative impact on natural ecosystems and animal populations. Some species are at only one tenth their population of 30 years ago and several have abandoned their old habitats altogether. The U.S. government has been sharply criticized for allowing millions of acres of GM crops to be planted without carefully evaluating the consequences, and in 1999 Cornell researchers discovered that pesticide producing GM corn planted around the country may threaten monarch butterflies. Several species of birds in the U.S. are also on the decline. Source: The Institute for Responsible Technology http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-dangers/environmental-risks/Genetically-Engineered-Crops-Damage-Wildlife-March-2005
4. No love for farmers – Large genetic engineering companies, such as Monsanto, have made it difficult for farmers of GE crops to make a profit. Once farmers use Monsanto's Roundup Ready, which is a line of designer genetically-modified seeds, they have to continue to purchase the seeds year after year because it's illegal, yes illegal, for farmers to save seeds. Last year alone the cost of these seeds went up 50 percent, and the seeds continue to increase in price. What is a farmer in this predicament to do? Source: Treehugger.com http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/01/monsanto-overcharges-farmers.php
5. GMOs Threaten Organic Integrity - “Gene flow” is the major GMO threat facing organic farmers. GM crops, such as corn, can pass their modified genes to neighboring fields of organic crops through cross pollination, or “drift.” The organic corn would then contain the altered genes. Genetic modification of food crops, which manipulates the DNA, is diametrically opposed to organic production with its holistic approach of working with natural systems. As a result, organic crops that are contaminated with GM pollen are no longer organic. Source: Non-GMO Report http://www.non-gmoreport.com/articles/OPma08Ingredients.pdf
How to Avoid GMO Foods – Since the FDA does not require GMO labeling on food products, be sure to eat and buy Organic. It is the only way to ensure a diet with minimum exposure to GMOs and toxic synthetic pesticides, which are prohibited under federally enforced certified organic standards.
Why do you choose No-GMO?